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Kentucky Car Seat Safety laws and recommendations

We all know that car seat safety is very important in making sure that our kids are safe in case of an accident. Here are the most updated Kentucky car seat safety laws and recommendations from The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and The Kentucky State Police.

*Infants from birth to one year and at least 20 pounds need to be rear-facing.

*Toddlers from at 1-4 and between 20-40 pounds are recommended to be forward facing.

*Booster seats from age 4 and 40 pounds to at least age 8, unless 4'9".

*Seat belts at age 8 or older or taller than 4'9".

*All Children age 12 and under need to ride in the back seat.

Proper fit

*Please make sure you read and follow the manufacturers instructions of the car seat or booster you are using and the vehicle owners manual for proper installation*

Car Seats:

*The chest clip (aka retainer clip) should be kept at armpit level. This enables the harness to stay in the proper position.

*Harness straps should be no tighter than one finger should fit between the child's collar bone and the strap. The straps should e snug against he child's shoulders and not be able to be pinched.

*Harness Straps should be below the child's shoulders when rear facing

*Harness straps should be above the child's shoulders when forward-facing


The lap portion of the belt should fit low on the hips or high on the thighs and the shoulder portion should be snug across the collar bone.

Coats and Jackets best practices:

Heavy coats are not to be worn while in a car seat, booster or seat belt at any age, including adulthood. Thin Jackets, hoodies and windbreakers are thin enough materials and can be worn. What is recommended is that you fasten the child in the car seat or seat belt in their clothing and can drape their coat over top of them after buckled. There are some popular items that people use as an alternative:

Car Seat Cozy Cover

Car Seat Canopy

Car Seat Poncho

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For more information on other car seat safety information please visit The National Highway Traffic Safety Association.

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