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School 2020 from the Kentucky Department of Education

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

We have all been eager to hear what the official word is for school this upcoming year regarding coronavirus and keeping our students and teachers safe and healthy. The Kentucky Department of Education has officially released the guidelines for the 2020-21 school year. You can read the 24 page document here.

The break down is 6 safety expectations

Social Distancing

  1. Stagger arrival & dismissal times

  2. Space between seating/ desks to be 6 feet or more

  3. If desks cannot be spaced 6 feet, masks are required

  4. Reduced class sizes

  5. Reduce congestion in common areas

  6. No field trips, assemblies or large group activities

  7. Limit non essential visitors on school campus

Cloth Face Coverings

  1. Students in first grade and above are required to wear a mask unless medically waivered

  2. Masks can be lowered duding classroom time if seats are 6 feet apart

  3. Schools should develop a plan for purchase or donation of cloth masks to provide to students without

Protective Equipment

  1. School health plans for infection control include:

    1. Gloves, Surgical Masks and Face Shields for medications

    2. Maintaining 6 foot distance for care when reasonable

    3. Encourage students and staff to cover coughs and sneezes into elbow or tissue to be disposed of

    4. Virtual intervention when possible for health services including speech therapy

Screening and School Exclusion

  1. Temperature Checks with touchless thermometers required prior to entry of school or bus

    1. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher the parent/ guardian will be contacted and asked to be picked up

  2. Please keep your child at home if they have these symptoms:

    1. Temperature greater than 100.4

    2. Cough

    3. Vomiting/ Diarrhea

    4. New Rash

    5. Exposure to Covid-19 case in 48 hour period


  1. Hand Hygiene

    1. Hand cleaning supplies should be readily available

    2. All restrooms should have adequate hand soap and towels or hand drying devices

    3. Hand Sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol may be used when soap and water are not readily available

  2. Cleaning & Disinfecting

    1. Daily cleaning and disinfection of facilities

    2. Surfaces

      1. All staff should be trained on cleaning protocols utilizing EPA registered disinfectants

      2. Soft surfaces should be cleaned with appropriate cleaners or laundered according to manufacturers instructions int he warmest setting possible

    3. Water Fountains

      1. Should be cleaned and sanitized frequently throughout the day

      2. Recommended for students to provide their own reusable water bottle in order to reduce the number of students drinking directly from the fountain

    4. School Buses

      1. High contact surfaces must be disinfected after each bus route

      2. All buses should provide 60% or higher alcohol based hand sanitizer for students to use as they board the bus

      3. Weather permitting, windows should be open for ventilation

      4. Allow additional time between routes for disinfection and sanitation

    5. Food Service

      1. Stagger lunch times & promote social distancing at tables

      2. Seat assignment is recommended to support contact tracing

      3. Surfaces need to be cleaned and sanitized between diners

      4. Disposable items are recommended, non disposable items should be cleaned with hot water and dish soap or placed in a dishwasher

      5. Avoid sharing food and utensils

    6. Playgrounds

      1. Students should wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after going out to play

      2. Limited amount of classes on the playground, minimize mixing of classes

    7. Gyms, P.E. Classrooms & Weightlifting rooms

      1. Clean and sanitize frequently used equipment between classes or sports teams

      2. Utilize hand hygiene rules in locker rooms and before and after a workout

      3. Recommended for students to not share personal items or sporting uniforms

      4. Disinfectant wipe stations provided for use on equipment after each use

Contact Tracing

  • Contact tracing helps to identify those at high risk of infect and prevent future exposure

  • Notify local Health department of any positive cases

  • 14 day quarantine should be initiated for anyone that tests positive for Covid-19

  • Schools should have a plan to prevent exposure

Stay tuned for more information about plans from:

  • JCPS

  • Oldham County Schools

  • Henry County Schools

  • Bullitt County Schools

  • Shelby County

  • Meade County

  • Spencer County

  • Trimble County

  • Southern Indiana Schools

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